Thursday, September 24, 2009

Last Place

Its fantastic how us Americans are now proud to be the country with the most time watching television, in fact its globalized as a technological milestone. As we can all observe in the chart in the article , it is safe to say that almost every single country beneath us in rankings has a greater educational program. In fact more superior then, yes the great old USA. The United States averages 8 hours of television a day.
So lets take part in the life of an American teenager. From 7:00 a.m to 3:oo p.m all children attend school, and do not really engage in pleasurable t.v time. Then lets say a student gets home and settles down about 5:00 p.m , now in 8 hours wouldn't it already be over the child's bedtime? When do they study? They don't. So that's a simple approximation of why we the USA are not in the high pedestal of the educational spectrum.Its not an achievement to spend the most time observing the detriment to all society and its cultivating ignorance. Children are not learning in the classrooms, but instead gathering biased and made up gibberish that they seem to encode from the television programs.
Sometimes its good to be in last place, its not always good to be great at everything USA, because being good at somethings can destroy all others.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Here Comes the Regime

United State of America. It actually sounds quite reminiscing considering the fact that this ironically has been the name of this country for hundreds of years. What do I have to say about this? Its simple ,what the hell can we do about it.

I just love the patriot like citizen that stands up , protests , trys so dearly to go against this government... What a waste of time. Do not assume that I am a complete communist and believe in no human rights or what not, but truly we have no say in this country and its sad to say.Do you actually believe we have a say in this "mafia" of the world ... thats why they have electoral colleges.

This government truly does not trust the mental capability of its citizens and that is simply proven with the lowering of the percentage rate of alcohol level,the rising drinking age , marijuana criminilazation, there basically saying the state has no power over its citizens, they are not going to make US look bad , so we"ll just come along and clean it up ( laws).

I truly consider that this artist was basically explaining the fact that the state basically is losing all its power and that the government is taking away individual rights. And whether the drawing portrays to others, who knows? But it doesn't erase the image that world is now approaching.

Sooner or later there will be "peace". And this peace will bring us together. And thats where fun will begin and we will all be under one true regime. The regime is coming.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Parents Just Don't Understand

Although our parents have given us life and new ipods or what not, it seems to me that parents are begining to be too involved in our lives. Im not saying to completely rebel against "mom" or "dad", but at least grasp the concept that yes you are a sepreate individual and you have the right to listen to the president of the United States if you please. Now if you interpret what President Obama said to be a socialist speech , then yes you still might need your parents to think for you. Its not like Obama is saying that you must only study Kenyan history or Arkansas history because of his parents, he is just simply implying that either we do good in school or we wont make it in todays world. Thanks parents of the United States for teaching your children to go against the man who actually makes the decision of whether you actually have an education.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Guilty God

It's amazing how one such government can actually apply so much needed time to try and culminate state economies but instead rather spend that quality time trying to suit ... God. In fact I believe its a great publicity stunt to try and sue the Almight God and seem to be the next "messiah" for all Nebraskans. I only ask that Mr.Chambers does not sin severly because I know God definately doesnt have his back, but at least all Nebraskan natives know they have a strong leader , who will even go against IMORTALITY........